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9h00 - 9h15: Introduction


​9h15 - 10h15: Numerical simulations of the star-disk-planet interaction processes  (20+10min):

Claudio Zanni (Turin):  MHD simulations of the star-disk interaction

Antoine Strugarek (CEA) : Star-planet interactions

​11h00 - 12h30 : Observational constraints on the star-disk-planets interactions  (20+10 min):

Silvia Alencar (UFMG, Bresil): Star-disk interaction in young stars

Xavier Bonfils (IPAG): Statistical properties of inner planets

Catherine Dougados/Jean-Philippe Berger (IPAG): High angular resolution studies of the inner disk

14h00 - 15h00 : 5 presentations flash:


Emeline Bolmont (CEA Saclay): Evolution des systèmes étoile - planètes proches

Laurène Jouve/Clément Baruteau (IRAP): Dynamique du bord interne du disque d'accrétion

Chantal Stehlé (Obs. Paris): Choc d'accrétion à la surface des étoiles jeunes

Gerrit van der Plas (IPAG): Infrared line profiles as diagnostics of the inner disk structure

Salvatore Colombo (Univ. Palerme): Flare-induced accretion events

​15h00 - 16h00 : Discussion

Questions-clefs, approches numeriques et observationnelles, feuille de route



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